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Large dimensions and a sinuous and enveloping shape: these are the characteristics of Snooze. The structure is made of tubular steel, available in different colors combined with fabric variants. All metal components are insulated from each other with plastic elements. Through a simple but original armrest adjustment mechanism, the seat can assume two positions: the first for reading, the second for rest. The new Snooze Cozy deckchair, designed for both indoor and outdoor use, is made of synthetic mesh and microfibre. Combine it with the footrest from the same series, for maximum comfort and relaxation.
Iron and carbon alloy with a carbon percentage of less than 2% treated to resist atmospheric agents with the exclusive EMU-Coat anti-corrosion process.
USE AND MAINTENANCETo keep the product in good condition for a long time, we recommend storing it during the winter in closed, dry places to avoid the formation of condensation. Before the winter season and on a quarterly basis, if the products are stored near the sea, it is recommended to clean the metal surfaces with a soft cloth using water or detergents and protect them with Vaseline oil or car wax.
EMU Synthetic knit
Composite material made up of PVC (45%), PP (40%) and PES (5%), and constructed using a double two-thread "Jacquard" knit, GG05, with characteristics suitable for external and internal use. The union of the two yarns creates a "synthetic knit" that is soft to the touch, with high technical qualities against microorganisms.
Wash the product by hand at between temperatures between 30 and 40°C with neutral detergent. After washing it is recommended to dry the fabric in the open air, not in the dryer.
100% PES multifilament particularly resistant to daily use, in nubuk appearance, for high quality and durable components, characterized by the weaving of polyester fibers with the same count or less than 1 dtex.
Wash the product by hand at a temperature between 30 and 40°C with neutral detergent. After washing it is recommended to dry the fabric in the open air, not in the dryer.
Designer: Chiaramonte • Marin
It is the passion for objects understood in their meaning as industrial products, the glue of the professional partnership between Alfredo Chiaramonte and Marco Marin, founding partners in 1989 of the namesake Designstudio. The professional interest ranges across numerous sectors (interior, graphic, industrial, lighting) and makes possible the permeation of experiences and knowledge accumulated over these years, creating a contamination between different fields, a fundamental humus to make the soil of ideas fertile.