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Emu Tavolo Basso Grande Terramare

Emu Tavolo Basso Grande Terramare

Emu Tavolo Basso Piccolo Terramare

Emu Tavolo Basso Piccolo Terramare

Emu Tavolo Basso Medio Terramare

As low as €657.00

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Availability: In stock
Stima data di consegna Delivery time: 2/4 weeks
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Terramare garden coffee table that completes and furnishes your relaxation area, resistant to rust and with a unique design. The aluminum structure supports the irregularly shaped porcelain stoneware top, with a choice of three splendid finishes: green/grey Emperador, anthracite Basaltina and Bianco Statuario. Unique grains, smooth surface to the touch, resistant to atmospheric agents, does not fade over time. Two other low tables from the same line are available, small and medium, perfect for placing next to each other.

Info and Technical Data Sheets:

Aluminum leg finishes: white - black - green/grey - prickly brown - corten new
Gres top finishes: basaltina 34 - statuario white 35 - emperador 36
Dimensions : cm L 75 x D 70 x H 30
Weight: 6.3 kg - maximum load 100 kg

Model: 733+736P (base+top)


Chiaramonte / Marin

It is the passion for objects understood in their sense of industrial products, the glue of the professional partnership between Alfredo Chiaramonte and Marco Marin, founding partners in 1989 of the homonymous Designstudio. The professional interest ranges across numerous sectors (interior, graphic, industrial, lighting) and makes possible the permeation of experiences and knowledge accumulated over these years, creating a contamination between different fields, a fundamental humus to make the soil of ideas fertile.
Here, for example, is how the multi-year collaboration with glass companies on the island of Murano has made it possible to short-circuit two apparently different sectors, creating a line of blown glass objects and glasses produced by Nason Moretti for Emu Group, leading companies respectively in the production of Murano glassware and garden furniture.
Alfredo Chiaramonte was born in Bologna in 1961, he studied at the Faculty of Architecture of Venice. Marco Marin was born in Venice in 1964 where he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts specializing in industrial design.
They have collaborated with well-known companies in the furniture and publishing sector including Miniforms, Emu Group, Bonaldo, Vistosi, Nason Moretti, Andromeda International, Hoffman Italia, Renault Italia, Moulinex, Artificia, Gemina publishing group.
They carried out a period of teaching at the European Center for the conservation of the architectural heritage of Venice.
In these over the years they have received various awards and some of their works have been exhibited in permanent collections and international museums including the Correr museum in Venice, the Beauburg in Paris, the MOMA in S. Francisco, the Venice Biennale collaborating on a project by Yoko Honor.